My husband with his nifty new clip-on tie and matching suspenders that I got him for Christmas....aren't they spiffy? I forgot to pick up a coordinating pocket-protector.
I am finally getting around to editing some of the family pics I took around the holidays and these are a few of my favorites. This is my nephew, Bailen, and his mother, Marsha. What a ham....
I had some fun designing a calendar for my bother-in-law for Christmas entitled, "The Many Faces of Brady Brown". Here is a sampling of the images I included.
Baby Nathan was born in October of 2008 to Mario and Ioana who are from Romania. They invited me to the hospital to capture some images of Baby Nathan for their family and friends at home. I'm catching up on please forgive me for the delay in getting these online ;-)
I had the pleasure of sledding and enjoying a sleighride with my family at the Hazienda clydesdale farm. It was cold, but so much fun! Here are a few of my favorite images from the day...