Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Band

I had the pleasure of shooting a band portrait last summer. Jimmy, Tom, Dale, and Mark were a lot of fun and gave me a lot of creative freedom. We went for a little walk around downtown Beaver Dam and found some cool spots to shoot. The last stop was an historic hotel that has sadly been abandoned and left to crumble.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Papa's little helper

Cecelia stole her Papa's hat the other day. She just adores her grandparents and lights up when they walk in the door. It reminds us of why we gave up the beautiful Texas winters to move to Wisconsin.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I attended the WPPI (Wedding and portrait photographers) convention and trade show in Las Vegas this week. Here are a couple of my favorite images.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What a mess!

My nephew, Logan, was in town visiting this week and my mom and I decided to let him and Lily make a mess of my dining room. The pictures were worth the disaster they left behind.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


My little lady finally said her first word, "uh-oh". She intentionally drops things on the floor so she can say it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

The lunar eclipse was breathtaking to see, though it was a bit chilly at -10 degrees. I braved the bitter cold to take an exposure every 15 minutes for 3 hours and plan to combine them to show the entire eclipse in one frame. I went through 4 Lithium batteries and my camera was frozen with ice when I brought it in. In retrospect, I wish I had photographed the beautiful ice crystals on it before they melted.


Cecelia decided to help Dad make breakfast so she climbed up on the stool and started "helping". She is such a delightful baby and we can't imagine life without her contagious smile and great big hugs.

Lily and Jerry

Lily and Jerry are becoming best buddies. He is very tolerant of the girls and adores their attention. He will be 8 years old this year and is 14 pounds of love (4 of which are his manboobs).